Average price for Studio 6 hotels in Oklahoma City: $64 per room nightly.
Cheapest price for Studio 6 hotels in Oklahoma City: $59 per room nightly (Studio 6 Oklahoma City, Ok - South).
Studio 6 Oklahoma City, Ok - South is the most recommended Studio 6 hotel in Oklahoma City with a user rating of 6.3 based on 334 reviews from users. The second most recommended Studio 6 hotel on our list is Studio 6 Midwest City Ok - Oklahoma City - 5.1 from 110 reviews.
Studio 6 Oklahoma City, Ok - South is a 2-star Studio 6 hotel in Oklahoma City that is closest to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World Airport. Just 6.1 mi away!
Planning to go to Myriad Botanical Gardens? Studio 6 Oklahoma City, Ok - South is the nearest Studio 6 hotel in Oklahoma City to stay at. The distance is approximately 5.1 mi between.