Yanoda Rain-Forest Cultural Tourism Zone, Sanya, China
ExcellentBased on 1 review
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Explore the most appealing deals available for Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on February 11, 2025.
Tue 2/18
Wed 2/19
About Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on February 11, 2025.
Great care is taken to ensure guests experience comfort through top-notch services and amenities.Remain linked during your visit by utilizing the complimentary internet access available. Prior to your...
Perks and amenities at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
Room service
Free Wi-Fi
Business center
Cable or satellite TV
Airport shuttle
Laundry facilities
Express check-out
24hr front desk
Room service
Express check-out
Cable or satellite TV
Laundry facilities
24hr front desk
Storage available
Airport shuttle
Business center
Currency exchange on-site
Reviews for Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 1 review of Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel to date. Review data was last updated on February 11, 2025.
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WonderfulBased on 1 verified guest review
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Photos of Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
View a collection of 60 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on February 11, 2025.
Hotels similar to Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel
Discover other properties in Sanya that offer a similar experience and ambiance to Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel. In total, there are 1,656 hotels serving travelers in Sanya. Price data was last updated on February 11, 2025.
These are the closest hotels within a 6.8 mi proximity to Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $201 vs. $55 for Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel. Data was last updated on February 11, 2025.
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travelers in Sanya. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Sanya is $15. The cheapest hotel is Yindu Hostel priced at $15. Price data was last updated on February 11, 2025.
These properties are recommended for travelers visiting Sanya. The average price of these properties is $159 per night. Price data was last updated on February 11, 2025 and sourced from 135 user searches.
Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel is located at Yanoda Rain-Forest Cultural Tourism Zone in the neighborhood of Sanya. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on February 11, 2025.
Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel. FAQs were last updated on February 11, 2025.
How close is Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel to the nearest airport, Sanya Phoenix Intl Airport?
At just 20.2 mi apart, the expected drive time from the nearest airport, Sanya Phoenix Intl Airport, to Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel is 0h 40m. The estimated drive time may vary depending on high and low traffic times in the surrounding area. This is especially true for metro areas.
What is the best way for guests to get from Sanya Phoenix Intl Airport to Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel?
One of the more popular options today is to take a taxi or ridesharing service directly from Sanya Phoenix Intl Airport to the hotel. This option is often cost effective, but guests must keep a lookout for peak time rates.
What is the Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel phone number?
For questions about Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel and your reservation, contact the front desk directly at +86 898 8388 9999.
Does Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel have Wi-Fi available?
Yes, Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.
Is there a restaurant at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel?
There is an on-site restaurant - contact Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel for opening and last order times.
Does Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel have a laundry service?
There’s a laundry service at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel that can be used by guests.
What is the cheapest month to stay at Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel?
For the best chance to save money on your Yanoda Rainforest No.1 Hotel reservation, consider staying in September, when prices are typically at their lowest ($20).
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