Sleep Inn Hotels in Fredericksburg, VA

Compare deals on Sleep Inn hotels from hundreds of travel sites and save on your favorite hotel brand

Fredericksburg, United States
feb. 13 — feb. 142
...and more

Explore Sleep Inn Hotels in Fredericksburg area

Available Sleep Inn Hotels in Fredericksburg

Sleep Inn3.6 mi

What’s around

Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi
Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi
Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi
Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi
Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi
Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center0.0 mi

Best Sleep Inn Hotels in Fredericksburg

Show all 1 Sleep Inn hotels
595 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg, VA, United States
3.6 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Air Conditioning
Avg. per night

Tips for booking a Sleep Inn hotel in Fredericksburg

Cheapest month:September
Cheapest price found:$52/night
Most popularSleep Inn
Cheapest day:Monday
$57 - $106
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
$54 - $84
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Sleep Inn hotels insights for Fredericksburg and United States

$84 - $156
Average price per night / Sleep Inn hotels around cities in Virginia. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
$90 - $158
Average price per night / HotelsCombined users' favorite hotel brands. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Frequently asked questions about Sleep Inn hotels in Fredericksburg

  • How much does it cost to stay at a Sleep Inn hotel in Fredericksburg?

    The cheapest price for a Sleep Inn hotel in Fredericksburg found most recently is $61/night - last booked with Sleep Inn. Average prices for Fredericksburg Sleep Inn hotels start from $61/night.

  • Which Sleep Inn hotel in Fredericksburg is the most popular for travelers?

    Sleep Inn is the most recommended Sleep Inn hotel in Fredericksburg with a user rating of 6.7 based on 1,017 reviews from users.

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