Millennium & Copthorne Hotels in Salalah

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Salalah, Oman
Feb 20 — Feb 212
...and more

Explore Millennium & Copthorne Hotels in Salalah area

Available Millennium & Copthorne Hotels in Salalah

Millennium Executive Apartments Salalah5.4 mi
Millennium Resort Salalah5.4 mi

Tips for booking a Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah

Cheapest month:March
Cheapest price found:$67/night
Most popularMillennium Resort Salalah
Cheapest day:Friday
$72 - $513
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
$73 - $112
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Millennium & Copthorne hotels insights for Salalah and Zufar

$136 - $250
Average price per night / HotelsCombined users' favorite hotel brands. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Frequently asked questions about Millennium & Copthorne hotels in Salalah

  • How much does it cost to stay at a Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah?

    On average, Millennium & Copthorne hotels in Salalah cost $79/night. Millennium Resort Salalah is the cheapest Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah last found, with prices starting from $65 per night.

  • Which Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah is the most popular for travelers?

    Millennium Resort Salalah is the most recommended Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah with a user rating of 7.9 based on 2,062 reviews from users. The second most recommended Millennium & Copthorne hotel on our list is Millennium Executive Apartments Salalah - 7.9 from 342 reviews.

  • Which Millennium & Copthorne hotel in Salalah is closest to Salalah Airport?

    You can stay at Millennium Resort Salalah if you’d like to be near Salalah Airport. This 5-star hotel is about 5.2 mi away.

Find better results for your stay in Salalah

Consider these popular 3-star hotels in Salalah

Stay at one of these Salalah 3-star hotels that users have found on HotelsCombined.