Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

3 stars 

Silang, Silang, Philippines

GoodBased on 17 reviews


Cheapest rate

rate per night

Nightly total

Best deals for Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Explore the most appealing deals available for Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on February 11, 2025.
Tue 2/18
Wed 2/19
Queen room
2 twin beds
Deluxe room
bed type unknown
bed type unknown
*Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.
Prices are based on 1 night, not including taxes and fees

About Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on February 11, 2025.
Hotel in Silang with 2 outdoor pools and free breakfast Along with 2 outdoor pools, this hotel has a restaurant and a bar/lounge. Free breakfast (local cuisine) is provided, as well as free WiFi in pu...

Good to Know

Check-in time2:00 PM
Check-out time12:00 PM
Payment & CancellationPolicies vary by room type and provider.
Front desk number+63 995 441 8796

Perks and amenities at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel
  • Restaurant
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Room service
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Business center
  • Child pool
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Parking
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Increased accessibility


  • Room service
  • Restaurant
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Complimentary breakfast
  • Parking
  • Increased accessibility
  • Child pool
  • Elevator
  • Refrigerator
  • Designated smoking area


  • Business center
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities

Reviews for Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 17 reviews of Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel to date. Review data was last updated on February 11, 2025.
GoodBased on 17 verified guest reviews

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Photos of Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

View a collection of 12 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on February 11, 2025.

Hotels similar to Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Discover other properties in Silang that offer a similar experience and ambiance to Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel. In total, there are 135 hotels serving travelers in Silang. Price data was last updated on February 11, 2025.

Explore Silang

Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel is located at Silang in the neighborhood of Silang. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on February 11, 2025.

FAQs when booking at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel

Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel. FAQs were last updated on February 11, 2025.
  • Is pricing at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel comparable to 3 star hotels in Silang?

    Nightly rates at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel will generally be 2% cheaper than the average 3-stars hotel in Silang. When staying at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel, you should be prepared to pay about $70/night, which is considered to be a good deal in Silang for a 3-stars hotel.

  • What is the Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel phone number?

    For questions about Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel and your reservation, contact the front desk directly at +63 995 441 8796.

  • Does Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel have Wi-Fi available?

    Yes, Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.

  • What is the check-out time at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel?

    Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel check-out time is 12:00 PM, though late check-out may be accommodated if agreed in advance with the hotel reception.

  • How much does it cost to stay at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel, Silang?

    A good deal at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel right now is between $70 and $70 per night. Prices change based on dates and room type, so enter your requirements in the form above to see the best deals currently available.

  • Is there a restaurant at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel?

    There is a restaurant located in Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel. Please contact them for kitchen hours. The hotel also has a bar.

  • Does Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel offer accessible rooms?

    Yes, Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel provides accessible rooms for guests requiring them. Make sure to check the deals available on HotelsCombined for the latest availability.

  • Does Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel have free breakfast?

    Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel offers free breakfast with some rates. Confirm the details of your reservation to determine if your rate includes free breakfast.

  • What is the cheapest month to stay at Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel?

    For the best chance to save money on your Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel reservation, consider staying in August, when prices are typically at their lowest ($51).

  • What is the cheapest day to check into Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel?

    Consider checking into Whitewoods Convention & Leisure Hotel on Tuesday, when the nightly price is typically at its lowest (average nightly rate of $43).

See more FAQs
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