Best deals for Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Explore the most appealing deals available for Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on February 13, 2025.
*Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.
Prices are based on 1 night, not including taxes and fees
About Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on February 13, 2025.
Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 155 air-conditioned rooms featuring kitchens with refrigerators and microwaves. Flat-screen televisions with cable programming provide entertainment, while co...
Perks and amenities at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Hot tub
Laundry facilities
Airport shuttle
Room service
Express check-out
24hr front desk
Room service
Express check-out
Increased accessibility
Hot tub
Laundry facilities
24hr front desk
Designated smoking area
Airport shuttle
Reviews for Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen, providing insights into their experiences. Travelers have left 418 reviews of Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen to date. Review data was last updated on February 13, 2025.
100% verified.We collect and display reviews from only verified bookings made by real users with HotelsCombined or with our trusted external partners.
Very goodBased on 418 verified guest reviews
Pros +
The room was very spacious and clean. (in 6 reviews)
"Clean, great location spacious." (in 30 reviews)
Clean and feel like home. (in 7 reviews)
Cons -
There are corners piling with dust. (in 4 reviews)
Hotel looks old and very dirty looking. (in 2 reviews)
Plates pots and cutlery. (in 2 reviews)
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Photos of Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
View a collection of 10 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen to help you visualize your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on February 13, 2025.
Hotels similar to Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Discover other properties in Beijing that offer a similar experience and ambiance to Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen. In total, there are 7,791 hotels serving travelers in Beijing. Price data was last updated on February 13, 2025.
Hotels closest to Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
These are the closest hotels within a 0.6 mi proximity to Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $107 vs. $109 for Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen. Data was last updated on February 13, 2025.
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travelers in Beijing. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Beijing is $15. The cheapest hotel is P.Loft Youth Hostel priced at $15. Price data was last updated on February 13, 2025.
These properties are recommended for travelers visiting Beijing. The average price of these properties is $128 per night. Price data was last updated on February 13, 2025 and sourced from 533 user searches.
Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is located at in the Chaoyang neighborhood of Beijing. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on February 13, 2025.
How far is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen from Jingshan Park?
You can walk to Jingshan Park while staying at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen - you’ll be about 2.2 mi away.
Is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen close to Forbidden City?
If you want to see Forbidden City while visiting Beijing, Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is just 2.3 mi away.
FAQs when booking at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen
Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen. FAQs were last updated on February 13, 2025.
How close is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen from the Beijing city center?
Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is 2 mi away from the center of Dongcheng, Beijing. Consider visiting Tiananmen, a popular landmark that can be accessed from Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen by various forms of transportation.
Does Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen have Wi-Fi available?
Yes, Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.
What is the check-out time at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen?
Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen check-out time is 12:00 PM, though late check-out may be accommodated if agreed in advance with the hotel reception.
Does Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen have a laundry service?
If you need to have clothes washed during your stay, you can take advantage of the laundry facilities and service at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen.
Does Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen offer accessible rooms?
Yes, Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen provides accessible rooms for guests requiring them. Make sure to check the deals available on HotelsCombined for the latest availability.
In what area of Beijing is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen located?
Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is located within the Chaoyang area of Beijing. Utilize the map on this page to understand where Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is in relation to the rest of Beijing.
What is the cheapest day to check into Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen?
Consider checking into Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen on Tuesday, when the nightly price is typically at its lowest (average nightly rate of $102).
How far is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen from Jingshan Park?
You can walk to Jingshan Park while staying at Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen - you’ll be about 2.2 mi away.
Is Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen close to Forbidden City?
If you want to see Forbidden City while visiting Beijing, Beijing Guangyao Service Apartment Chaoyangmen is just 2.3 mi away.
See more FAQs
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