Pestana Hotels & Resorts Hotels in Madrid, Spain

Compare deals on Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels from hundreds of travel sites and save on your favorite hotel brand

Madrid, Spain
Feb 25 — Feb 262
...and more

Explore Pestana Hotels & Resorts Hotels in Madrid area

Available Pestana Hotels & Resorts Hotels in Madrid

Pestana Plaza Mayor Madrid0.2 mi
Pestana CR7 Gran Vía0.3 mi

What’s around

El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi
El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi
El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi
El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi
El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi
El Oso y el Madroño0.1 mi

Best Pestana Hotels & Resorts Hotels in Madrid

Show all 2 Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels
Calle Imperial, 8, Madrid, Spain
0.2 mi from city centre
Free Wi-Fi
Avg. per night

Tips for booking a Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid

Cheapest month:January
Cheapest price found:$145/night
Most popularPestana CR7 Gran Vía
Cheapest day:Monday
$174 - $489
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.
$130 - $364
Average price per night / 3-star hotel. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels insights for Madrid and Madrid

$157 - $265
Average price per night / HotelsCombined users' favorite hotel brands. Prices are not fixed and may vary with time.

Frequently asked questions about Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels in Madrid

  • How much does it cost to stay at a Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid?

    Average price for Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels in Madrid: $193 per room nightly.
    Cheapest price for Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotels in Madrid: $169 per room nightly (Pestana CR7 Gran Vía).

  • Which Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid is the most popular for travelers?

    Pestana Plaza Mayor Madrid is the most recommended Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid with a user rating of 9 based on 3,091 reviews from users. The second most recommended Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel on our list is Pestana CR7 Gran Vía - 8.4 from 3,523 reviews.

  • Which Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid is closest to Madrid Barajas Airport?

    It is roughly 8.3 mi between Madrid Barajas Airport and Pestana CR7 Gran Vía, the nearest Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid. Pestana CR7 Gran Vía is a 4-star hotel.

  • Which Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel in Madrid is closest to Puerta del Sol?

    That would be Pestana CR7 Gran Vía. This Madrid Pestana Hotels & Resorts hotel is located 0.2 mi from Puerta del Sol.

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